Saturday, 30 January 2016

Death of a Philosopher by Sadhu Sundar Singh

 The soul of a German philosopher entered into the world of spirits and saw from afar the incomparable glory of the spiritual world, and the boundless happiness of its people. He was delighted with what he saw, but his stubborn intellectualism stood in the way of his entering into it, and enjoying its happiness.

Instead of admitting that it was real, he argued thus with himself, "There is no doubt at all that I see al...l this, but what proof is there that it has objective existence, and is not some illusion conjured up by my mind? From end to end of all this scene I will apply the tests of logic, philosophy and science, and then only will I be convinced that it has a reality of its own, and is no illusion."

Then the angels answered him, "It is evident from your speech that your intellectualism has warped your whole nature, for as spiritual, and not bodily, eyes are needed to see the spiritual world, so spiritual understanding is necessary to comprehend its reality, and not mental exercises in the fundamentals of logic and philosophy. Your science that deals with material facts has been left behind with your physical skull and brain in the earth.

Here, only that spiritual wisdom is of use which arises out of the fear and love of God." Then said one of the angels to another, "What a pity it is that people forget that precious word of our Lord, Jesus Christ, 'Truly I say to you, that unless you change, and become like children, you will not enter into  the Kingdom of heaven.' (Matthew 18:3).

May God clothe us with the garment of humility here on earth, so that we will be found worthy to sit on the thrones of heaven. Amen!

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