To some people, the story of Noah is only for the books, or the cartoons and movies, but it is worth much more. Noah was a man of God, whose strong faith and righteousness is a force to be reckoned with, even till today.
The story of Noah and the boat still applies till today. We should read it over and over in order to examine whether we are still in the faith.
Luke 17: 26-27 says, “Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all."
The days that Jesus spoke about in the verses above signify the days before the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. These days are the days of the highest order of carnality, complacency, and spiritual carelessness, which are already manifesting in our days.
We are already in the perilous times and the hearts of many are already waxing cold. Jesus told His disciples that if not for the shortening of those days for the sake of the elect, there should no flesh be saved (Matthew 24:22). It is indeed our call to do whatever it takes to enter the boat of Noah, ask for grace each day to live a life that is pleasing unto Christ, and not to look back into the things of the world that we left behind.
A biblical resemblance to the days of Noah is the days of Lot when God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, people were eating, drinking, partying, trading, planting and building.
Just like Noah, we should indeed live a life of godliness in an ungodly generation
The destruction of the earth was imminent in Noah's days, due to the carelessness of the ungodly about the things of God. The divine looked down and saw only one righteous man on earth. This was Noah. If the video of your life were to be played before the Chief judge, would you be ratified innocent or guilty. Let's go back to where we missed our first love and return back to God with our whole heart that He may turn and heal our land.